
Package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet

Provides integration and glue code for the Spring web MVC framework.


Class Summary
AbstractFacesController Convenience superclass for controller implementations, using the Template Method design pattern which creates a FacesContext on the beginning of request handling.
AbstractFacesView Abstract view for a JSP or other resource within the same faces web application.
DispatcherServlet Central dispatcher which integrates Spring's MVC framework to the faces lifecycle.
FacesControllerAdapter Adapter used by the modified DispatcherServlet (via the FacesControllerHandlerAdapter to integrate proprietary Controller to the faces lifecycle.
FacesControllerHandlerAdapter Adapter to use the Controller workflow interface with the generic modified DispatcherServlet.
FacesExternalResourceView This view is used (and usually created by the FacesViewResolver) to render the view given the specified model.
FacesInternalResourceView This view is used (and usually created) by the FacesLifecycleController and subclasses to render the view given the specified model.
FacesLifecycleController FacesLifecycleController is a Controller that manages the request processing lifecycle for web applications that are utilizing JavaServer Faces to construct the user interface.
FacesViewResolver Convenience subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver that supports FacesExternalResourceView.
RedirectView View that redirects to an absolute, context relative, or current request relative URL, exposing all model attributes as HTTP query parameters.

Package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet Description

Provides integration and glue code for the Spring web MVC framework.

This package ships all needed classes to enable all features of Spring's DispatcherServlet within a faces lifecycle; that means you can use any Controller implementation and integrate it without any effort.


The following sample configuration files show you how to enable the above mentioned features.

The web.xml configuration:

WEB-INF/web.xml fragment

        The dispatcher servlet.
    </servlet-mapping> Logo

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