jsf-spring-core | |
de.mindmatters.faces | Contains the JavaServer Faces resources and EntityResolver implementation for the JSF 1.0 and JSF 1.1 DTD. |
de.mindmatters.faces.component | Contains JavaServer Faces components and helpers like GenericStateHolder for simplification of state serialization/deserialization. |
de.mindmatters.faces.context | Contains the JavaServer Faces context implementations. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring | Contains various scope implementations for comprehensive integration of spring managed beans into the jsf world which defines more scopes than singleton or prototype. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory | Core package implementing an extended BeanFactory . |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.support | Core package implementing an extended WebApplicationContext . |
de.mindmatters.faces.util | Miscellaneous helper classes. |
jsf-spring-config | |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.config | This package and its sub-packages provides glue code for comprehensive integration of JSF (JavaServer Faces) and the Spring framework. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.config.support | Classes supporting the de.mindmatters.faces.spring.config package, such as an implementation for the ConfigWebApplicationContext. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.config | SPI implementations and configuration-related convenience classes for jsf-spring-config module. |
jsf-spring-context | |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context | This package and its sub-packages provides glue code for comprehensive integration of JSF (JavaServer Faces) and the Spring framework. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet | Provides integration and glue code for the Spring web MVC framework. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller | Standard controller implementations for the MVC framework integration that comes with jsf-spring. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support | Classes supporting the de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context package, such as implementations for the FacesWebApplicationContext and the internal used BeanFactories. |
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.context | SPI implementations and configuration-related convenience classes for jsf-spring-context module. |