
Package de.mindmatters.faces.application

Convenient pluggable extensions and implementations of JavaServer Faces mechanisms to manage the execution of an application that is based on JavaServer Faces.


Interface Summary
ActionEventContext Strategy interface for determining the current ActionEvent.
ComponentFactory Factory for managing UIComponents.
ConverterFactory Factory for managing Converters.
MethodBindingFactory Factory for creating MethodBindings and ValueBindings.
ValidatorFactory Factory for managing Validators.

Class Summary
AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder Abstract implementation of a ViewBuilder that delegates the behaviour inherited from the ViewHandler to the original view handler of the underlying JSF implementation.
ActionEventContextHolder Simple holder class that associates a ActionEventContext instance with the current thread.
ApplicationFactoryImpl ApplicationFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed) and returns Application instances.
ApplicationImpl Application represents a per-web-application singleton object where applications based on JavaServer Faces (or implementations wishing to provide extended functionality) can register application-wide singletons that provide functionality required by JavaServer Faces.
DelegatingActionListener This action listener implementation processes action events during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle (depending upon the immediate property of the ActionSource that queued this event.
FaceletViewBuilder ViewBuilder implementation based upon jsf-facelets.
IdForcingComponentFactory ComponentFactory that generates "clean" client ids (in fact they are equal to their component id) for input components within a HtmlForm.
OptimizedStateManager OptimizedStateManager directs the process of saving and restoring the view between requests.
SimpleActionEventContext Simple implementation of the ActionEventContext interface, always returning a specified ActionEvent.
ViewBuilder ViewBuilder is the pluggablity mechanism for allowing implementations of or applications using the JavaServer Faces specification to provide their own handling of the activities in the Render Response and Restore View phases of the request processing lifecycle.

Package de.mindmatters.faces.application Description

Convenient pluggable extensions and implementations of JavaServer Faces mechanisms to manage the execution of an application that is based on JavaServer Faces.


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