

AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Abstract implementation of a ViewBuilder that delegates the behaviour inherited from the ViewHandler to the original view handler of the underlying JSF implementation.
AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder(ViewHandler) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder
Constructor that takes the original ViewHandler.
AbstractFacesController - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller
AbstractController that exposes the current FacesContext to the template method AbstractFacesController.handleRequestInternal(FacesContext, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse).
AbstractFacesController() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.AbstractFacesController
AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp
AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag is a convenience base class that implements attributes needed for any concrete HTML action source jsp tag.
AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
AbstractHtmlComponentTag - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp
AbstractHtmlComponentTag is a convenience base class that implements attributes needed for any concrete HTML jsp tag.
AbstractHtmlComponentTag() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp
AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag is a convenience base class that implements attributes needed for any concrete HTML event handler jsp tag.
AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
AbstractJsfSpringContextTests - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test
Convenient superclass for integration tests depending on a JSF-Spring context hierarchy.
AbstractJsfSpringContextTests() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Default constructor - populating protected variables via dependency injection is turned on.
AbstractPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Convenience superclass for phase implementations, using the Template Method design pattern which invokes AbstractPhase.beforePhase(FacesContext) at the beginning and AbstractPhase.afterPhase(FacesContext) at the end of phase execution.
AbstractPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.AbstractPhase
AbstractRendererBase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.render.html
AbstractRendererBase is a convenience base class that implements helper methods needed for any concrete renderer.
AbstractRendererBase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.AbstractRendererBase
AbstractUIComponentTag - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp
AbstractUIComponentTag is a convenience base class that implements helper methods needed for any concrete jsp tag.
AbstractUIComponentTag() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractUIComponentTag
ActionEventContext - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Strategy interface for determining the current ActionEvent.
ActionEventContextHolder - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Simple holder class that associates a ActionEventContext instance with the current thread.
ActionMethodNameResolver - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller
Simple implementation of MethodNameResolver that maps JSF Action outcomes to method names.
ActionMethodNameResolver() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.ActionMethodNameResolver
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Add a new ActionListener to the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Add a new ActionListener to the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

addComponent(String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Register a new mapping of component type to the name of the corresponding UIComponent class.

addComponent(Application, String, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ComponentFactory
Register a new mapping of component type to the name of the corresponding UIComponent class.
addComponent(Application, String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.IdForcingComponentFactory
Register a new mapping of component type to the name of the corresponding UIComponent class.
addConverter(Class, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Register a new converter class that is capable of performing conversions for the specified target class.

addConverter(String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Register a new mapping of converter id to the name of the corresponding Converter class.

addConverter(Application, String, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ConverterFactory
Register a new mapping of converter id to the name of the corresponding Converter class.
addConverter(Application, Class, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ConverterFactory
Register a new converter class that is capable of performing conversions for the specified target class.
addLifecycle(String, Lifecycle) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactoryImpl

Register a new Lifecycle instance, associated with the specified lifecycleId, to be supported by this LifecycleFactory.

addMessage(String, FacesMessage) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Append a FacesMessage to the set of messages associated with the specified client identifier, if clientId is not null.

addPhaseListener(PhaseListener) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl

Register a new PhaseListener instance that is interested in being notified before and after the processing for standard phases of the request processing lifecycle.

addSingleton(String, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Add the given singleton object to the singleton cache of this factory.
addSupportedLocales(ManagedList, Element, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Adds the supported locales to the MessageResource definition defined as a "locale-config" tag in the "faces-config.xml".
addValidator(String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Register a new mapping of validator id to the name of the corresponding Validator class.

addValidator(Application, String, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ValidatorFactory
Register a new mapping of validator id to the name of the corresponding Validator class.
addValueBindingIfNecessary(UIComponent, String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractUIComponentTag
Adds a value binding for the property with name propName to the UIComponent component if and only if value is a reference expression.
afterApplyRequestValues(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Apply Request Values phase has just been completed.
afterApplyRequestValues(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Apply Request Values phase has just been completed.
afterInvokeApplication(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Invoke Application phase has just been completed.
afterInvokeApplication(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Invoke Application phase has just been completed.
afterPhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.AbstractPhase
Template method.
afterPhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase
Template method.
afterPhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase
Template method.
afterPhase(FacesContext, Object, Class) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.PhaseListenerHelper
Handle a notification implementation on the current handler (if necessary) that the processing for a particular phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to end.
afterPhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase
Template method.
afterPhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase
Template method.
afterPhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Template method.
afterPhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhase
Template method.
afterProcessValidations(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Process Validations phase has just been completed.
afterProcessValidations(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Process Validations phase has just been completed.
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Invoked by a BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties supplied (and satisfied BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware).
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesController
Initializes the faces lifecycle this controller runs in.
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Resolves the appropriate Lifecycle depending on the configured lifecycle-id.
afterRenderResponse(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Render Response phase has just been completed.
afterRenderResponse(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Render Response phase has just been completed.
afterRestoreView(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Restore View phase has just been completed.
afterRestoreView(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Restore View phase has just been completed.
afterUpdateModelValues(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Update Model Values phase has just been completed.
afterUpdateModelValues(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Update Model Values phase has just been completed.
appendActionSource(FacesContext, UIViewRoot, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Appends an ActionSource to the given UIViewRoot viewRoot and queues an ActionEvent to the newly attached ActionSource.
ApplicationFactoryImpl - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
ApplicationFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed) and returns Application instances.
ApplicationFactoryImpl(ApplicationFactory) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationFactoryImpl
Creates an ApplicationFactory with the given ApplicationFactory delegate.
ApplicationImpl - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Application represents a per-web-application singleton object where applications based on JavaServer Faces (or implementations wishing to provide extended functionality) can register application-wide singletons that provide functionality required by JavaServer Faces.
ApplicationImpl(Application) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl
Creates an application with the given original application delegate.
ApplicationImpl(Application, BeanFactory) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl
Creates an application with the given original application delegate.
ApplicationScope - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
Alternative singleton Scope implementation.
ApplicationScope(Object) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ApplicationScope
Creates a scope relying on a ServletContext or a PortletContext respectively (depends on the type of context).
ApplyRequestValuesPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Implements the default Apply Request Values phase of the faces lifecycle.
ApplyRequestValuesPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase
ApplyRequestValuesPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
Apply Request Values Phase implementation used by the special JSF-Spring Lifecycle identified by LifecycleImpl.JSF_SPRING_LIFECYCLE_ID.
ApplyRequestValuesPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase
ApplyRequestValuesPhaseListener - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for the Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle.
ATTRIBUTE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The <attribute></attribute> element.


BEAN_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<managed-bean></managed-bean> element.
BeansEvaluationException - Exception in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
An exception reporting an error that occurred during the evaluation of an variable in a VariableResolver.
BeansEvaluationException() - Constructor for exception de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.BeansEvaluationException
Construct a new exception with no detail message or root cause.
BeansEvaluationException(String) - Constructor for exception de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.BeansEvaluationException
Construct a new exception with the specified detail message and no root cause.
BeansEvaluationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.BeansEvaluationException
Construct a new exception with the specified root cause.
BeansEvaluationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.BeansEvaluationException
Construct a new exception with the specified detail message and root cause.
beforeApplyRequestValues(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeApplyRequestValues(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeInvokeApplication(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeInvokeApplication(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.AbstractPhase
Template method.
beforePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase
Template method.
beforePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase
Template method.
beforePhase(FacesContext, Object, Class) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.PhaseListenerHelper
Handle a notification implementation on the current handler (if necessary) that the processing for a particular phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase
Template method.
beforePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase
Template method.
beforePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Template method.
beforePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhase
Template method.
beforeProcessValidations(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Process Validations phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeProcessValidations(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Process Validations phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeRenderResponse(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Render Response phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeRenderResponse(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Render Response phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeRestoreView(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Restore View phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeRestoreView(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Restore View phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeUpdateModelValues(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Handle a notification that the processing for the Update Model Values phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
beforeUpdateModelValues(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhaseListener
Handle a notification that the processing for the Update Model Values phase of the request processing lifecycle is about to begin.
bindActionListener(FacesContext, ActionListener) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.DelegatingActionListener
Associate the given ActionListener with the current thread.
bindHandler(FacesContext, Object) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
Associate the given Handler with the current thread.
broadcast(FacesEvent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
buildView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder
Perform whatever actions are required to build the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.
buildView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ViewBuilder
Perform whatever actions are required to build the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.
buildView(FacesContext, ViewBuilder, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Perform whatever actions are required to build the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.


calculateLocale(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder

Returns an appropriate Locale to use for this and subsequent requests for the current client.

calculateLocale(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder

Returns an appropriate Locale to use for this and subsequent requests for the current client.

calculateRenderKitId(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder

Return an appropriate renderKitId for this and subsequent requests from the current client.

calculateRenderKitId(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder

Return an appropriate renderKitId for this and subsequent requests from the current client.

CLASS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'class' attribute of a bean definition.
CLASS_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<managed-bean-class></managed-bean-class> element.
clear() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ApplicationScope
Clears the scope.
closeParentApplicationContext(ServletContext, ApplicationContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Closes the parent web application context of jsf-spring web application context for the given servlet context.
closeWebApplicationContext(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Closes the web application context for the given servlet context.
COMPONENT_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The <component></component> element.
COMPONENT_FACTORY_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl
Name of the ComponentFactory bean in the factory.
COMPONENT_FAMILY - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
The standard component type for this component.
COMPONENT_FAMILY_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'component-family' attribute of a Renderer definition.
COMPONENT_REF_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The <component-ref></component-ref> element.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
The standard component type for this component.
COMPONENT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'component-type' attribute of a Renderer definition.
ComponentFactory - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Factory for managing UIComponents.
ConstantMethodBinding - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.el
Convenient method binding that does nothing other than returning a fixed outcome String when invoked.
ConstantMethodBinding() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding
Default constructor.
ConstantMethodBinding(String) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding
Creates an method binding that takes a fixed outcome string action.
CONTEXT_CLASS_PARAM - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Config param for root faces application context implementation class FacesWebApplicationContext to use: faces.spring.contextClass.
CONTEXT_LOCATION_PARAM - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Context initialization parameter name for a comma delimited list of context-relative resource paths (which is loaded automatically if it exists) containing faces-spring-context configuration information: faces.spring.CONTEXT_FILES.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderListener
Closes the jsf-spring-config root web application context.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderListener
Initializes the jsf-spring-config root web application context.
contextKeyString(Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Subclasses can override this to return a String representation of their context key for use in logging.
ContextLoader - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context
Performs the actual initialization work for the root application context.
ContextLoader() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
ContextLoaderListener - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context
Bootstrap listener to start up JSF-Spring's root WebApplicationContext.
ContextLoaderListener() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderListener
ContextLoaderServlet - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context
Bootstrap servlet to start up Spring's root WebApplicationContext.
ContextLoaderServlet() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderServlet
convertClientId(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer

Convert the component generated client id to a form suitable for transmission to the client.

CONVERTER_FACTORY_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl
Name of the ConverterFactory bean in the factory.
ConverterDefinition - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj
A ConverterDefinition encapsulates and describes a Converter instance.
ConverterDefinition(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.ConverterDefinition
Creates a definition with the given descriptors.
ConverterFactory - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Factory for managing Converters.
convertToJspElExpression(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ELParser
Convert ValueBinding syntax #{ } to JSP EL syntax ${ }.
createBeanFactory() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Create an internal bean factory for this context.
createComponent(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Instantiate and return a new UIComponent instance of the class specified by a previous call to addComponent() for the specified component type.

createComponent(ValueBinding, FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Call the getValue() method on the specified ValueBinding.

createComponent(Application, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ComponentFactory
Instantiate and return a new UIComponent instance of the class specified by a previous call to addComponent() for the specified component type.
createComponent(Application, ValueBinding, FacesContext, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ComponentFactory
Call the getValue() method on the specified ValueBinding.
createComponent(Application, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.IdForcingComponentFactory
Instantiate and return a new UIComponent instance of the class specified by a previous call to addComponent() for the specified component type.
createComponent(Application, ValueBinding, FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.IdForcingComponentFactory
Call the getValue() method on the specified ValueBinding.
createComponentClass(String, Class, ParserContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
Generates a subclass of the given ui component class name originalClassName with a special naming policy via CGLib.
createContextLoader() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderListener
Creates the ConfigLoader to use.
createContextLoader() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderServlet
Creates the ConfigLoader to use.
createConverter(Class) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Instantiate and return a new Converter instance of the class that has registered itself as capable of performing conversions for objects of the specified type.

createConverter(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Instantiate and return a new Converter instance of the class specified by a previous call to addConverter() for the specified converter id.

createConverter(Application, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ConverterFactory
Instantiate and return a new Converter instance of the class specified by a previous call to addConverter() for the specified converter id.
createConverter(Application, Class) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ConverterFactory
Instantiate and return a new Converter instance of the class that has registered itself as capable of performing conversions for objects of the specified type.
createDefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Creates a BeanDefinitionDocumentReader that parses bean definitions other than managed beans according to the "faces-config" DTD.
createDefaultLifecycle() - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl
Factory method creating the default Lifecycle for a particular JavaServer Faces request.
createExtendedUIComponentClass(String, ParserContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
Generates a subclass of the given UIComponent class with name originalClassName which implements the interface JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils.UIComponentExtension.
createManagedBeanDefinition(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Creates a ManagedBeanDefinition based upon a RootBeanDefinition.
createManagedBeanFactory() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Create an internal managed bean factory for this context.
createMetaRuleset(Class) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets.HtmlSimpleOutcomeActionSourceComponentHandler
Extend this method in order to add your own rules.
createMethodBinding(String, Class[]) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Instantiate and return a new MethodBinding for the specified method binding expression, which may be used to call the corresponding method later.

createMethodBinding(Application, String, Class[]) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.MethodBindingFactory
Instantiate and return a new MethodBinding for the specified method binding expression, which may be used to call the corresponding method later.
createRootBeanDefinition(RootBeanDefinition) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Creates a RootBeanDefinition based upon a RootBeanDefinition.
createServletContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Creates the ServletContext mock implementation - default is MockServletContext.
createValidator(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Instantiate and return a new Validator instance of the class specified by a previous call to addValidator() for the specified validator id.

createValidator(Application, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ValidatorFactory
Instantiate and return a new Validator instance of the class specified by a previous call to addValidator() for the specified validator id.
createValueBinding(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Instantiate and return a new ValueBinding for the specified value binding expression, which may be used to manipulate the corresponding property value later.

createValueBinding(Application, String) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.MethodBindingFactory
Instantiate and return a new ValueBinding for the specified value binding expression, which may be used to manipulate the corresponding property value later.
createView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder

Create and return a new UIViewRoot instance initialized with information from the argument FacesContext and viewId.

createView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder

Create and return a new UIViewRoot instance initialized with information from the argument FacesContext and viewId.

createView(FacesContext, ViewHandler, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Perform whatever actions are required to create the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.
createView(String, Locale) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesViewResolver
Overridden to implement check for "redirect:" prefix.
createView(FacesContext, ViewHandler, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Perform whatever actions are required to create the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.
createWebApplicationContext(ServletContext, ApplicationContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Creates and returns a WebApplicationContext.


de.mindmatters.faces - package de.mindmatters.faces
Contains the JavaServer Faces resources and EntityResolver implementation for the JSF 1.0 and JSF 1.1 DTD and utility classes for the use within the framework.
de.mindmatters.faces.application - package de.mindmatters.faces.application
Convenient pluggable extensions and implementations of JavaServer Faces mechanisms to manage the execution of an application that is based on JavaServer Faces.
de.mindmatters.faces.component.html - package de.mindmatters.faces.component.html
Specialized user interface component classes for HTML.
de.mindmatters.faces.context - package de.mindmatters.faces.context
Contains the JavaServer Faces context implementations.
de.mindmatters.faces.el - package de.mindmatters.faces.el
Classes for evaluating and processing reference expressions.
de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle - package de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Classes implementing JavaServer Faces lifecycle management.
de.mindmatters.faces.render.html - package de.mindmatters.faces.render.html
Classes impementing the HTML rendering model for the components delivered with JSF-Spring.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring
Contains utitlity and base classes for the core framework of JSF-Spring.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context
This package and its sub-packages provides glue code for comprehensive integration of JSF (JavaServer Faces) and the Spring framework.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Provides integration and glue code for the Spring web MVC framework.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller
Standard controller implementations for the MVC framework integration that comes with jsf-spring.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
SPI interfaces and classes implementing special JavaServer Faces lifecycle management for the integration of Spring's MVC framework.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support
Core package implementing a default FacesWebApplicationContext.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
Core package implementing an extended AutowireCapableBeanFactory.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj
Contains bean definition parsers for the custom component tags of JSF-Spring.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
Contains all bean definition parsers for the custom tags of JSF-Spring.
de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test - package de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test
Superclasses for tests requiring JSF-Spring application contexts.
de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets - package de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets
Contains base classes for facelets custom component tags, and concrete tag implementations for core tags.
de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp - package de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp
Contains base classes for JSP custom component tags, and concrete tag implementations for core tags.
decode(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer

Decode any new state of the specified UIComponent from the request contained in the specified FacesContext, and store that state on the UIComponent.

decodeViewId(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesUtils
Decodes the view id of the current request.
DEFAULT_LOCALE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<default-locale></default-locale> element.
DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support
Default implementation of the FacesWebApplicationContext interface.
DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Standard constructor in JavaBeans-style.
DelegatingActionListener - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
This action listener implementation processes action events during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle (depending upon the immediate property of the ActionSource that queued this event.
DelegatingActionListener(ActionListener) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.DelegatingActionListener
Creates an ApplicationListener with the given action listener orig of the underlying JSF implementation.
DelegatingVariableResolver - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
VariableResolver implementation that delegates to the internal BeanFactory of the used WebApplicationContext and original resolver of the underlying JSF implementation to resolve the asked beans or variables.
DelegatingVariableResolver(VariableResolver) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.DelegatingVariableResolver
Creates a DelegatingVariableResolver with the given VariableResolver originalVariableResolver.
DelegatingVariableResolver(VariableResolver, BeanFactory) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.DelegatingVariableResolver
Creates a DelegatingVariableResolver with the given VariableResolver originalVariableResolver.
destroy() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake
Invoked by a BeanFactory on destruction of a singleton.
destroy() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderServlet
Closes the jsf-spring-config root web application context.
destroySingletons() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Destroy all singleton beans in this factory, including inner beans that have been registered as disposable.
determineContextClass(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Returns the WebApplicationContext implementation class to use, either the default FacesWebApplicationContext or a custom context class if specified.
dispatch(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Dispatch a request to the specified resource to create output for this response.

doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesContextFilter
doPerComponentActions(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Do any per-component actions necessary during reconstitute.
doTypeConversionIfNecessary(TypeConverter, Object, Class, MethodParameter) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Convert the given value into the specified target type, using the specified BeanWrapper.


ELParser - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.el
Utility class to implement support functionality to "morph" JSP EL into JSF EL.
ELUtils - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.el
Utility class for interpreting and evaluating parsed JSF reference expressions.
ELVariableResolver - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.el
Servlet-API VariableResolver implementation based upon the original VariableResolver of the underlying JSF implementation.
ELVariableResolver() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ELVariableResolver
encodeActionURL(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the input URL, after performing any rewriting needed to ensure that it will correctly identify an addressable action in the current application.

encodeBegin(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer

Render the beginning specified UIComponent to the output stream or writer associated with the response we are creating.

encodeChildren(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer

Render the child components of this UIComponent, following the rules described for encodeBegin() to acquire the appropriate value to be rendered.

encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer

Render the ending of the current state of the specified UIComponent, following the rules described for encodeBegin() to acquire the appropriate value to be rendered.

encodeNamespace(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the specified name, after prefixing it with a namespace that ensures that it will be unique within the context of a particular page.

encodeResourceURL(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the input URL, after performing any rewriting needed to ensure that it will correctly identify an addressable resource in the current application.

encodeViewId(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesUtils
Encodes the view id of the current UIViewRoot.
equals(Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfRIStartupDriver
equals(Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.MyFacesStartupDriver
error(String, Element) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Report an error with the given message for the given source element.
error(String, Element, Throwable) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Report an error with the given message for the given source element.
execute(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.AbstractPhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
execute(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl

Execute all of the phases of the request processing lifecycle, up to but not including the Render Response phase, as described in the JavaServer Faces Specification, in the specified order.

execute(FacesContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.Phase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
executePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.AbstractPhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
executePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
executePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
executePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
executePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
executePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
executePhase(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhase
Perform all state transitions required by the current phase of the request processing Lifecycle for a particular request.
exposeHelpers(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Expose helpers unique to each rendering operation.
exposeViewRootIfNecessary(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Creates and exposes the UIViewRoot to the given FacesContext if necessary.


FaceletViewBuilder - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
ViewBuilder implementation based upon jsf-facelets.
FaceletViewBuilder(ViewHandler) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder
Constructor that takes the original ViewHandler.
FacesContextFilter - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Filter implementation that creates and releases a FacesContext which contains per-request state information.
FacesContextFilter() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesContextFilter
FacesContextImpl - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.context
FacesContext contains all of the per-request state information related to the processing of a single JavaServer Faces request, and the rendering of the corresponding response.
FacesContextImpl(ExternalContext) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl
Constructs a FacesContext with the given ExternalContext externalContext.
FacesContextLoader - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Performs the actual initialization work for a FacesContext which contains all of the per-request state information.
FacesController - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
FacesController is a Controller that manages the request processing lifecycle for web applications that are utilizing JavaServer Faces to construct the user interface.
FacesController() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesController
FacesControllerHandlerAdapter - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Adapter to use the FacesController workflow class with the generic FacesDispatcherServlet.
FacesControllerHandlerAdapter() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesControllerHandlerAdapter
FacesDispatcherServlet - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Central dispatcher which integrates Spring's MVC framework to the faces lifecycle.
FacesDispatcherServlet() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet
Standard Constructor.
FacesDispatcherServlet.DefaultApplicationContext - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Default ApplicationContext for the FacesDispatcherServlet.
FacesDispatcherServlet.DefaultApplicationContext() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet.DefaultApplicationContext
FacesDtdResolver - Class in de.mindmatters.faces
EntityResolver implementation for the JSF 1.0 and JSF 1.1 DTD, to load the DTD from the jsf-spring class path (or JAR file).
FacesDtdResolver() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesDtdResolver
FacesUtils - Class in de.mindmatters.faces
Miscellaneous faces utility methods.
FacesView - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Wrapper for a JSP or other resource within the same faces web application.
FacesView() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Constructor for use as a bean.
FacesView(String) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Create a new FacesView with the given URL url.
FacesView(UIViewRoot) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Create a new FacesView with the given UIViewRoot viewRoot.
FacesViewResolver - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
Convenience subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver that supports FacesView.
FacesViewResolver() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesViewResolver
Sets default viewClass to AbstractFacesView.
FacesWebApplicationContext - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context
Provides configuration for managed beans.
FacesWebApplicationContextUtils - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context
Convenience methods to retrieve the faces root FacesWebApplicationContext for a given FacesContext.
FACET_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The <facet></facet> element.
FACET_REF_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The <facet-ref></facet-ref> element.
FOR_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'for-class' attribute of a Converter definition.


get(String, ObjectFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ApplicationScope
Return the object from the underlying scope, creating it if not found.
getAccept() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the accept attribute value.
getAcceptCharset() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the acceptCharset attribute value.
getAction() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Return the MethodBindingpointing at the application action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending on the value of the immediate property.

getAction() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Return the MethodBindingpointing at the application action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending on the value of the immediate property.

getAction() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Returns the action value.
getActionEvent() - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ActionEventContext
Return the current ActionEvent, which can be fixed or determined dynamically, depending on the implementation strategy.
getActionEvent() - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ActionEventContextHolder
Return the ActionEvent associated with the current thread, if any.
getActionEvent() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.SimpleActionEventContext
Return the current ActionEvent, which can be fixed or determined dynamically, depending on the implementation strategy.
getActionEventContext() - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ActionEventContextHolder
Return the ActionEventContext associated with the current thread, if any.
getActionListener() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the default ActionListener to be registered for all ActionSource components in this appication.

getActionListener() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Return the MethodBinding pointing at an action listener method to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending upon the value of the immediate property.

getActionListener() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Return the MethodBinding pointing at an action listener method to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending upon the value of the immediate property.

getActionListener() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Returns the actionListener value.
getActionListeners() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Return the set of registered ActionListeners for this ActionSource instance.

getActionListeners() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Return the set of registered ActionListeners for this ActionSource instance.

getActionURL(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder

Return a URL suitable for rendering (after optional encoding performed by the encodeActionURL() method of ExternalContext) that selects the specified view identifier.

getActionURL(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder

Return a URL suitable for rendering (after optional encoding performed by the encodeActionURL() method of ExternalContext) that selects the specified view identifier.

getApplication() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationFactoryImpl

Create (if needed) and return an Application instance for this web application.

getApplication() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return the Application instance associated with this web application.

getApplicationMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return a mutable Map representing the application scope attributes for the current application.

getAsText() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.MethodBindingPropertyEditor
getAsText() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ValueBindingPropertyEditor
getAuthType() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the name of the authentication scheme used to authenticate the current user, if any; otherwise, return null.

getBeanDefinition() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.OrderedBeanDefinitionHolder
getBeanName() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.OrderedBeanDefinitionHolder
getBooleanAttribute(UIComponent, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.AbstractRendererBase
Converts an attribute of the given UIComponent component with the name attributeName to a boolean value.
getClientIdsWithMessages() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return an Iterator over the client identifiers for which at least one FacesMessage has been queued.

getComponentClassName() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.UIComponentDefinition
getComponentFamily() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.RendererDefinition
getComponentStateToSave(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager

Convenience method, which must be called by saveSerializedView(), to construct and return a Serializable object that represents the state of all component properties, attributes, and attached objects, for the entire component tree (including children and facets) of this view.

getComponentType() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.UIComponentDefinition
getComponentType() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag

Return the component type for the component that is or will be bound to this tag.

getComponentTypes() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return an Iterator over the set of currently defined component types for this Application.

getComponentTypes(Application) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ComponentFactory
Return an Iterator over the set of currently defined component types for this Application.
getComponentTypes(Application) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.IdForcingComponentFactory
Return an Iterator over the set of currently defined component types for this Application.
getConfigLocations() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Subclasses must implement this method to return the locations of their config files.
getContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the application environment object instance for the current appication.

getConversationId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ApplicationScope
Return the conversation id for the current underlying scope, if any.
getConvertedValue(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer

Attempt to convert previously stored state information into an object of the type required for this component (optionally using the registered Converter for this component, if there is one).

getConverterClassName() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.ConverterDefinition
getConverterIds() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return an Iterator over the set of currently registered converter ids for this Application.

getConverterIds(Application) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ConverterFactory
Return an Iterator over the set of currently registered converter ids for this Application.
getConverterRegistrar() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.ConverterDefinition
getConverterTypes() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return an Iterator over the set of Class instances for which Converter classes have been explicitly registered.

getConverterTypes(Application) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ConverterFactory
Return an Iterator over the set of Class instances for which Converter classes have been explicitly registered.
getCurrentInstance() - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ELParser
Returns an instance of ELParser.
getCurrentInstance() - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesContextLoader
getDefaultConfigLocations() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
The default location for the root context is "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml", and "/WEB-INF/test-servlet.xml" for a context with the namespace "test-servlet" (like for a DispatcherServlet instance with the servlet-name "test").
getDefaultFacesSpringConfigLocations() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
The default location for jsf-spring config files is "/WEB-INF/faces-spring-context.xml", and all "/META-INF/faces-spring-context.xml".
getDefaultLocale() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the default Locale for this application.

getDefaultLocale(Element, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Parses and returns the default locale from the given locale config DOM element.
getDefaultRenderKitId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the renderKitId to be used for rendering this application.

getDefaultSuffix(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesUtils
Returns the value to use for the default extension if the webapp is using url extension mapping.
getDelegate() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder
getDir() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Returns the language direction.
getEnctype() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the enctype attribute value.
getExternalContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return the ExternalContext instance for this FacesContext instance.

getFacesSpringConfigLocations() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Returns the locations of the jsf-spring configuration files.
getHandler(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
Returns the current Handler from the current thread.
getHandlerAdapter(Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet
Return the HandlerAdapter for this handler object.
getHandlerMethodName(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.ActionMethodNameResolver
Return a method name that can handle this request.
getId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.ApplyRequestValuesPhase
Returns the current Lifecycle Phase identifier.
getId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase
Returns the current Lifecycle Phase identifier.
getId() - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.Phase
Returns the current Lifecycle Phase identifier.
getId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase
Returns the current Lifecycle Phase identifier.
getId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase
Returns the current Lifecycle Phase identifier.
getId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Returns the current Lifecycle Phase identifier.
getId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhase
Returns the current Lifecycle Phase identifier.
getImmediate() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Returns the immediate value.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the value of the specified application initialization parameter (if any).

getInitParameterMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an immutable Map whose keys are the set of application initialization parameter names configured for this application, and whose values are the corresponding parameter values.

getInstance() - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.PhaseListenerHelper
getLang() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Returns the language.
getLastModified(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Same contract as for HttpServlet's getLastModified method.
getLastModified(HttpServletRequest, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesControllerHandlerAdapter
Same contract as for HttpServlet's getLastModified method.
getLastModified(HttpServletRequest, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
Same contract as for HttpServlet's getLastModified method.
getLifecycle(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactoryImpl

Create (if needed) and return a Lifecycle instance for the specified lifecycle identifier.

getLifecycle() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
getLifecycleId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.PhaseListenerDefinition
getLifecycleIds() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactoryImpl

Return an Iterator over the set of lifecycle identifiers supported by this factory.

getMaximumSeverity() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return the maximum severity level recorded on any FacesMessages that has been queued, whether or not they are associated with any specific UIComponent.

getMergedBeanDefinition(String, BeanDefinition) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Return a RootBeanDefinition for the given bean name, by merging with the parent if the given original bean definition is a child bean definition.
getMessage(String, Object[], String, Locale) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource
Try to resolve the message.
getMessage(String, Object[], Locale) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource
Try to resolve the message.
getMessage(MessageSourceResolvable, Locale) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource
Try to resolve the message using all the attributes contained within the MessageSourceResolvable argument that was passed in.
getMessageBundle() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the fully qualified class name of the ResourceBundle to be used for JavaServer Faces messages for this application.

getMessages() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return an Iterator over the FacesMessages that have been queued, whether or not they are associated with any specific client identifier.

getMessages(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return an Iterator over the FacesMessages that have been queued that are associated with the specified client identifier (if clientId is not null), or over the FacesMessages that have been queued that are not associated with any specific client identifier (if clientId is null).

getMethod() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
Returns the method of this form - supports 'POST' or 'GET'.
getMethod() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the method attribute value.
getMethodNameResolver() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Return the MethodNameResolver used by this class.
getName() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the name attribute value.
getNavigationHandler() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the NavigationHandler instance that will be passed the outcome returned by any invoked application action for this web application.

getOnclick() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onclick value.
getOndblclick() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the ondblclick value.
getOnkeydown() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onkeydown value.
getOnkeypress() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onkeypress value.
getOnkeyup() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onkeyup value.
getOnmousedown() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onmousedown value.
getOnmousemove() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onmousemove value.
getOnmouseout() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onmouseout value.
getOnmouseover() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onmouseover value.
getOnmouseup() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Returns the onmouseup value.
getOnreset() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the onreset attribute value.
getOnsubmit() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the onsubmit attribute value.
getOrder() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfComponentStartupProcessor
Return the order value of this object, with a higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting.
getOrder() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.OrderedBeanDefinitionHolder
Return the order value of this object, with a higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting.
getOrder() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.OrderedRootBeanDefinition
Return the order value of this object, with a higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting.
getOrder() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfStartupProcessor
Return the order value of this object, with a higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting.
getParentMessageSource() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource
Return the parent of this MessageSource, or null if none.
getPhaseListener() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.PhaseListenerDefinition
getPhaseListeners() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl

Return the set of registered PhaseListeners for this Lifecycle instance.

getPropertyResolver() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the PropertyResolver instance that will be utilized to resolve method and value bindings.

getReaderContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
getRemoteUser() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the login name of the user making the current request if any; otherwise, return null.

getRenderer() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.RendererDefinition
getRendererType() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.RendererDefinition
getRendererType() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag

Return the rendererType property that selects the Renderer to be used for encoding this component, or null to ask the component to render itself directly.

getRenderKit() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return the RenderKit instance for the render kit identifier specified on our UIViewRoot, if there is one.

getRenderKitId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.RendererDefinition
getRenderResponse() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return true if the renderResponse() method has been called for the current request.

getRendersChildren() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer

Return a flag indicating whether this Renderer is responsible for rendering the children the component it is asked to render.

getRequest() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the environment-specific object instance for the current request.

getRequestContextPath() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the portion of the request URI that identifies the web application context for this request.

getRequestCookieMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an immutable Map whose keys are the set of cookie names included in the current request, and whose values (of type javax.servlet.http.Cookie) are the first (or only) cookie for each cookie name returned by the underlying request.

getRequestHeaderMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an immutable Map whose keys are the set of request header names included in the current request, and whose values (of type String) are the first (or only) value for each header name returned by the underlying request.

getRequestHeaderValuesMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an immutable Map whose keys are the set of request header names included in the current request, and whose values (of type String[]) are all of the value for each header name returned by the underlying request.

getRequestLocale() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the preferred Locale in which the client will accept content.

getRequestLocales() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an Iterator over the preferred Locales specified in the request, in decreasing order of preference.

getRequestMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return a mutable Map representing the request scope attributes for the current application.

getRequestParameterMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an immutable Map whose keys are the set of request parameters names included in the current request, and whose values (of type String) are the first (or only) value for each parameter name returned by the underlying request.

getRequestParameterNames() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an Iterator over the names of all request parameters included in the current request.

getRequestParameterValuesMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an immutable Map whose keys are the set of request parameters names included in the current request, and whose values (of type String[]) are all of the values for each parameter name returned by the underlying request.

getRequestPathInfo() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the extra path information (if any) included in the request URI; otherwise, return null.

getRequestServletPath() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the servlet path information (if any) included in the request URI; otherwise, return null.

getRequiredWebApplicationContext(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.FacesWebApplicationContextUtils
Finds the required faces root FacesWebApplicationContext for this web app, which is typically loaded via ContextLoaderListenr.
getResource(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return a URL for the application resource mapped to the specified path, if it exists; otherwise, return null.

getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return an InputStream for an application resource mapped to the specified path, if it exists; otherwise, return null.

getResourceBasePath() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
getResourcePaths(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the Set of resource paths for all application resources whose resource path starts with the specified argument.

getResourceURL(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder

Return a URL suitable for rendering (after optional encoding perfomed by the encodeResourceURL() method of ExternalContext) that selects the specifed web application resource.

getResourceURL(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder

Return a URL suitable for rendering (after optional encoding perfomed by the encodeResourceURL() method of ExternalContext) that selects the specifed web application resource.

getResponse() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the environment-specific object instance for the current response.

getResponseComplete() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return true if the responseComplete() method has been called for the current request.

getResponseStream() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return the ResponseStream to which components should direct their binary output.

getResponseWriter() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return the ResponseWriter to which components should direct their character-based output.

getServletContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake
Returns the ServletContext.
getServletContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
getServletInfo() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderServlet
getSession(boolean) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

If the create parameter is true, create (if necessary) and return a session instance associated with the current request.

getSessionMap() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return a mutable Map representing the session scope attributes for the current application.

getStateManager() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the StateManager instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle.

getStyle() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Returns the css style.
getStyleClass() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Returns the css style class.
getSupportedLocales() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return an Iterator over the supported Locales for this appication.

getTarget() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the target attribute value.
getTextValue(Element) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Extract the text value from the given DOM element, ignoring XML comments.
getTitle() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Returns the title.
getTransient() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Returns the transient attribute value.
getTreeStructureToSave(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager

Convenience method, which must be called by saveSerializedView(), to construct and return a Serializable object that represents the structure of the entire component tree (including children and facets) of this view.

getType(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding

Return the Java class representing the return type from the method identified by this method binding expression.

getUserPrincipal() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return the Principal object containing the name of the current authenticated user, if any; otherwise, return null.

getValidatorClassName() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.ValidatorDefinition
getValidatorId() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.ValidatorDefinition
getValidatorIds() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return an Iterator over the set of currently registered validator ids for this Application.

getValidatorIds(Application) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.application.ValidatorFactory
Return an Iterator over the set of currently registered validator ids for this Application.
getVariableResolver() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the VariableResolver instance that will be utilized to resolve method and value bindings.

getViewHandler() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Return the ViewHandler instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle.

getViewRoot() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Return the root component that is associated with the this request.

getWebApplicationContext(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.FacesWebApplicationContextUtils
Finds the faces root FacesWebApplicationContext for this web app, which is typically loaded via ContextLoaderListener.
getWebApplicationContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests


handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesControllerHandlerAdapter
Use the given handler to handle this request.
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
Use the given handler to handle this request.
handleRequestInternal(FacesContext, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.AbstractFacesController
Template method.
handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.AbstractFacesController
Template method.
handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Template method.
handleRequestInternal(FacesContext, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController
Template method.
handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesController
Executes the faces lifecycle.
hashCode() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfRIStartupDriver
hashCode() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.MyFacesStartupDriver
HtmlForm - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.component.html
Represents an HTML form element.
HtmlForm() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
The standard constructor.
HtmlFormRenderer - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.render.html
HtmlFormRenderer is a class that renders a UIForm as a HTML Form.
HtmlFormRenderer() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.HtmlFormRenderer
HtmlFormTag - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp
HtmlFormTag represents the HTML jsp tag for UIComponent HtmlForm.
HtmlFormTag() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
HtmlLibrary - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets
TagLibrary for HTML components of JSF-Spring.
HtmlLibrary() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets.HtmlLibrary
Standard constructor.
HtmlSimpleOutcomeActionSourceComponentHandler - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets
HtmlSimpleOutcomeActionSourceComponentHandler is a TagHandler for ActionSource components .
HtmlSimpleOutcomeActionSourceComponentHandler(ComponentConfig) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets.HtmlSimpleOutcomeActionSourceComponentHandler
Default facelet constructor.


ID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'id' attribute of a bean definition.
ID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'id' attribute of a BeanDefinition.
ID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
id attribute of the <managed-bean></managed-bean> element.
IdForcingComponentFactory - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
ComponentFactory that generates "clean" client ids (in fact they are equal to their component id) for input components within a HtmlForm.
IdForcingComponentFactory() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.IdForcingComponentFactory
init() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderServlet
Initializes the jsf-spring-config root web application context.
init() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfNameSpaceHandler
Invoked by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader after construction but before any custom elements are parsed.
initBeanDefinitionReader(XmlBeanDefinitionReader) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Sets the document-reader class of the beanDefinitionReader to the ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader class.
initDispatcherServlet() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet
This method will be invoked after any bean properties have been set and the WebApplicationContext has been loaded.
initFacesContext(ServletContext, ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesContextLoader
Create (if needed) and return a FacesContext instance that is initialized for the processing of the specified request and response objects.
initFacesView() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
This hook method will be invoked after any bean properties have been set and the Lifecycle has been resolved.
initFrameworkServlet() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet
Overridden method, invoked after any bean properties have been set and the WebApplicationContext and BeanFactory for this namespace is available.
initMultiActionEventController() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
This method allows the bean instance to perform initialization only possible when all bean properties have been set and to throw an exception in the event of misconfiguration.
initWebApplicationContext(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Initialize web application context for the given servlet context, regarding the faces.spring.configClass and faces.spring.CONFIG_FILES context-params.
initWebApplicationContext() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet
Initialize and publish the WebApplicationContext for this servlet.
instantiateWithMethodInjection(RootBeanDefinition, String, BeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ValueBindingResolvingInstantiationStrategy
Subclasses can override this method, which is implemented to throw UnsupportedOperationException, if they can instantiate an object with the Method Injection specified in the given RootBeanDefinition.
instantiateWithMethodInjection(RootBeanDefinition, String, BeanFactory, Constructor, Object[]) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ValueBindingResolvingInstantiationStrategy
Subclasses can override this method, which is implemented to throw UnsupportedOperationException, if they can instantiate an object with the Method Injection specified in the given RootBeanDefinition.
invoke(FacesContext, Object[]) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding

Return the return value (if any) resulting from a call to the method identified by this method binding expression, passing it the specified parameters, relative to the specified FacesContext.

InvokeApplicationPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Implements the default Invoke Application phase of the faces lifecycle.
InvokeApplicationPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase
InvokeApplicationPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
Invoke Application Phase implementation used by the special JSF-Spring Lifecycle identified by LifecycleImpl.JSF_SPRING_LIFECYCLE_ID.
InvokeApplicationPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase
InvokeApplicationPhaseListener - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for the Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle.
isAspectJVersionEnabled() - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.JsfSpringConfig
Checks whether the jsf-spring-aspectj.jar is deployed at runtime or not.
isImmediate() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Return a flag indicating that the default ActionListener provided by the JavaServer Faces implementation should be executed immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase.

isImmediate() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Return a flag indicating that the default ActionListener provided by the JavaServer Faces implementation should be executed immediately (that is, during Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle), rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase.

isPostback(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesUtils
Try to guess if this is a postback request.
isTransient() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
isTransient() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding

If true, the Object implementing this interface must not participate in state saving or restoring.

isUserInRole(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Return true if the currently authenticated user is included in the specified role.

isValueReference(String) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesUtils
Checks whether the string value is a value binding compatible string or not.


JSF_SPRING_LIFECYCLE_ID - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl
The lifecycle-id of the Lifecycle which processes the entire lifecycle of a particular JavaServer Faces request mapped against the FacesDispatcherServlet (which integrates SpringMVC into JSF).
JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj
Miscellaneous parser utility methods for the 'jsh' namespace.
JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
Miscellaneous parser utility methods for the 'jsh' namespace.
JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils.UIComponentExtension - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj
Interface that will be implemented by the UIComponent subclasses generated by the SubclassCreator.
JsfComponentStartupProcessor - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj
A BeanFactoryPostProcessor which initializes and configures all relevant JSF components which are hosted and defined in the FacesWebApplicationContext.
JsfComponentStartupProcessor() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfComponentStartupProcessor
JsfEnvironment - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test
Encapsulates the whole configuration of a JSF environment with the use of JSF-Spring.
JsfNameSpaceHandler - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
NamespaceHandler for the 'jsh' namespace.
JsfNameSpaceHandler() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfNameSpaceHandler
JsfRIStartupDriver - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test
JsfStartupDriver for the Sun RI.
JsfRIStartupDriver() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfRIStartupDriver
JsfSpringConfig - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring
Describes the runtime configuration of JSF-Spring.
JsfStartupDriver - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test
Starts and stops a JSF implementation.
JsfStartupProcessor - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
A BeanFactoryPostProcessor which initializes and configures all relevant JSF plugins which are hosted and defined in the FacesWebApplicationContext.
JsfStartupProcessor() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfStartupProcessor


KEY_CLASS_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<key-class></key-class> element.
KEY_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<key></key> element.


LIFECYCLE_ID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'lifecycle-id' attribute of a PhaseListener definition.
LifecycleExecutor - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet
HandlerAdapter implementation that delegates it's work to any given arbitrary HandlerAdapter and integrates it into the workflow of the request processing of the underliying JSF implementation.
LifecycleExecutor(HandlerAdapter) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
Creates a LifecycleExecutor with the given internal HandlerAdapter internalHandlerAdapter.
LifecycleExecutor(HandlerAdapter, String) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
Creates a LifecycleExecutor with the given internal HandlerAdapter internalHandlerAdapter.
LifecycleFactoryImpl - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
LifecycleFactory is a factory object that creates (if needed) and returns Lifecycle instances.
LifecycleFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleFactoryImpl
Default Constructor adding the default lifecycle to this factory.
LifecycleImpl - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Lifecycle manages the processing of the entire lifecycle of a particular JavaServer Faces request.
LifecycleImpl(Phase[], Phase) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl
Creates a lifecycle with the given executionPhases and renderResponsePhase.
LIST_ENTRIES_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<list-entries></list-entries> element.
loadBeanDefinitions(XmlBeanDefinitionReader) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Load the bean definitions with the given XmlBeanDefinitionReader.
loadContext(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Loads the FacesWebApplicationContext by default - with the parent loaded by AbstractJsfSpringContextTests.loadParentContext(ServletContext).
loadContext(ServletContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfEnvironment
Loads the appropriate WebApplicationContext.
loadContextLocations(String[]) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Load an ApplicationContext from the given config locations.
loadJsfEnvironment(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Loads the JsfEnvironment of the particular test case.
loadJsfImplementation(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Loads the current JSF implementation startup driver used for configuration and initialization purposes.
loadJsfImplementation(ServletContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfEnvironment
Loads the appropriate JsfStartupDriver.
loadParentContext(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Template method with default implementation (which may be overridden by a subclass), to load or obtain an ApplicationContext instance which will be used as the parent context of the root WebApplicationContext.
loadParentContext(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Loads the parent WebApplicationContext - the ContextLoader is used for loading and initialization by default.
LOCALE_CONFIG_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<locale-config></locale-config> element.
LOCATOR_FACTORY_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Optional servlet context parameter used only when obtaining a parent context using the default implementation of ContextLoader.loadParentContext(ServletContext servletContext).
LOCATOR_FACTORY_SELECTOR_PARAM - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
Optional servlet context parameter used only when obtaining a parent context using the default implementation of ContextLoader.loadParentContext(ServletContext servletContext).
log(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Log the specified message to the application object.

log(String, Throwable) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Log the specified message and exception to the application object.

log - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl
For logging.
log - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
For logging.
logger - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl
For logging.
logger - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake
For logging.
logger - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesDtdResolver
For logging.
logger - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoader
For logging.
logger - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ApplicationScope
For logging.
logger - Variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
For logging.


ManagedBeanDefinition - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
BeanDefinition for beans defined in a JSF context.
ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
Faces implementation of the BeanDefinitionDocumentReader interface.
ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
JSF implementation of a HierarchicalMessageSource.
ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource
Creates a faces message source.
ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource(List, String, List) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource
Creates a faces MessageSource with the given base-names, default locale and supported locales.
ManagedBeanFactory - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
Default implementation of the ConfigurableBeanFactory interfaces: a full-fledged bean factory based on bean definitions.
ManagedBeanFactory() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Creates a new DefaultConfigurableBeanFactory.
ManagedBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Creates a new DefaultConfigurableBeanFactory with the given parent.
MAP_ENTRIES_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<map-entries></map-entries> element.
MAP_ENTRY_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<map-entry></map-entry> element.
markForTransientState(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ViewBuilder
Marks a request to not save the state of the view into the response.
MESSAGE_BUNDLE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<message-bundle></message-bundle> element.
METHOD_BINDING_FACTORY_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl
Name of the MethodBindingFactory bean in the factory.
MethodBindingFactory - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Factory for creating MethodBindings and ValueBindings.
MethodBindingPropertyEditor - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.el
Editor for MethodBinding, to directly populate a MethodBinding property.
MethodBindingPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.el.MethodBindingPropertyEditor
Standard constructor.
MethodBindingPropertyEditor(Application) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.el.MethodBindingPropertyEditor
Creates a MethodBindingPropertyEditor with the given Application.
MultiActionEventController - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller
JSF-Spring's integration class of Spring's MultiActionController.
MultiActionEventController() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Constructor for MultiActionEventController that looks for handler methods in the present subclass.
MultiActionEventController(Object) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Constructor for MultiActionEventController that looks for handler methods in delegate, rather than a subclass of this class.
MyFacesStartupDriver - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test
JsfStartupDriver for MyFaces.
MyFacesStartupDriver() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.MyFacesStartupDriver


NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'name' attribute of a bean definition.
NAME_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<managed-bean-name></managed-bean-name> element.
NAMESPACE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets.HtmlLibrary
The JSF-Spring namespace of the html tags.
NULL_VALUE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<null-value></null-value> element.


onPostProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Hook method for postprocessing the internal bean factory.
onSetUp() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Subclasses can override this method in place of the setUp() method, which is final in this class.
onTearDown() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Subclasses can override this to add custom behavior on teardown.
OptimizedStateManager - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
OptimizedStateManager directs the process of saving and restoring the view between requests.
OptimizedStateManager(StateManager) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager
Creates an OptimizedStateManager with the given state manager delegate of the underlying JSF implementation.
ORDER_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'order' attribute of an OrderedRootBeanDefinition.
OrderedBeanDefinitionHolder - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
Ordered holder for a BeanDefinition with name and aliases.
OrderedBeanDefinitionHolder(BeanDefinition, String) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.OrderedBeanDefinitionHolder
Creates an ordered holder.
OrderedRootBeanDefinition - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
A RootBeanDefinition which could be ordered.
OrderedRootBeanDefinition(RootBeanDefinition, int) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.OrderedRootBeanDefinition
Creates an instance based upon the given RootBeanDefinition original.


parseExpression(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ELParser
Returns the parsed form of the given expression string.
parseManagedBeanDefinition(Element, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Parses a standard faces managed bean definition.
parseManagedBeanListEntries(Element, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Parses list-entries subelements of the given MANAGED-BEAN element.
parseManagedBeanMapEntries(Element, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Parses map-entries subelements of the given MANAGED-BEAN element.
parseManagedBeanPropertyDefinition(MutablePropertyValues, Element, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Parses a managed-property.
Phase - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
A Phase is a single step in the processing of a JavaServer Faces request throughout its entire Lifecycle.
Phase.PhaseIdName - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Static class that converts a PhaseId into a readable form.
PhaseListenerDefinition - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
A PhaseListenerDefinition encapsulates and describes a PhaseListener instance.
PhaseListenerDefinition(String, PhaseListener) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.PhaseListenerDefinition
Creates a definition with the given PhaseListener phaseListener and the lifecycle id.
PhaseListenerHelper - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
Utility class for invoking notification methods before and after processing the standard JSF lifecycle phases via reflection on the current Spring MVC handler.
postProcessAfterInitialization(Object, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.VariableResolverProcessor
Apply this BeanPostProcessor to the given new bean instance after any bean initialization callbacks (like InitializingBean's afterPropertiesSet or a custom init-method).
postProcessAfterInstantiation(Object, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.VariableResolverProcessor
Perform operations after the bean has been instantiated, via a constructor or factory method, but before Spring property population (from explicit properties or autowiring) occurs.
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet.DefaultApplicationContext
Register ServletContextAwareProcessor.
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Register ServletContextAwareProcessor.
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfComponentStartupProcessor
Modify the application context's internal bean factory after its standard initialization.
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ValueBindingResolvingPropertyConfigurer
Modify the application context's internal bean factory after its standard initialization.
postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfStartupProcessor
Modify the application context's internal bean factory after its standard initialization.
postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.VariableResolverProcessor
Apply this BeanPostProcessor to the given new bean instance before any bean initialization callbacks (like InitializingBean's afterPropertiesSet or a custom init-method).
postProcessBeforeInstantiation(Class, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.VariableResolverProcessor
Apply this BeanPostProcessor before the target bean gets instantiated.
postProcessPropertyValues(PropertyValues, PropertyDescriptor[], Object, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.VariableResolverProcessor
Post-process the given property values before the factory applies them to the given bean.
prepareTestInstance() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.AbstractJsfSpringContextTests
Prepare this test instance, injecting dependencies into its protected fields and its bean properties.
prepareViewIdForRendering(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Prepare for rendering, and determine the the view id to render by the resolved Lifecycle.
processAction(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.DelegatingActionListener

Invoked when the action described by the specified ActionEvent occurs.

processAction(FacesContext, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ActionEvent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController
Process the request.
processHandlerException(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet
Determine an error ModelAndView via the registered HandlerExceptionResolvers.
ProcessValidationsPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Implements the default Process Validations phase of the faces lifecycle.
ProcessValidationsPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase
ProcessValidationsPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
Process Validations Phase implementation used by the special JSF-Spring Lifecycle identified by LifecycleImpl.JSF_SPRING_LIFECYCLE_ID.
ProcessValidationsPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.ProcessValidationsPhase
ProcessValidationsPhaseListener - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for the Process Validations phase of the request processing lifecycle.
PROPERTY_CLASS_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<property-class></property-class> element.
PROPERTY_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<managed-property></managed-property> element.
PROPERTY_NAME_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<property-name></property-name> element.


queueEvent(FacesEvent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm


redirect(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake

Redirect a request to the specified URL, and cause the responseComplete() method to be called on the FacesContext instance for the current request.

refresh() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Sets a default config location if no explicit config location specified.
registerBeanDefinitions(Document, XmlReaderContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Read bean definitions from the given DOM document, and register them with the given bean factory.
registerById() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.ConverterDefinition
registerDestructionCallback(String, Runnable) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ApplicationScope
Register a callback to be executed at destruction of the specified object (or at destruction of the entire scope, if the scope does not destroy individual objects but rather only terminate in its entirety).
registerManagedBeanDefinition(Element) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Parses an element definition: We know this is a MANAGED-BEAN element.
registerManagedBeanDefinitions(Document) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Parses bean definitions from the given DOM document, and register them with the help of the given XmlReaderContext.
registerMessageBeanDefinitions(NodeList, NodeList) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
Loads the MessageSource definition as a RootBeanDefinition defined in the "faces-config.xml" as a "message-bundle" tag.
release() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Release any resources associated with this FacesContext instance.

release() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag

Release any resources allocated during the execution of this tag handler.

release() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag

Release any resources allocated during the execution of this tag handler.

release() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag

Release any resources allocated during the execution of this tag handler.

release() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag

Release any resources allocated during the execution of this tag handler.

releaseFacesContext(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesContextLoader
Release any resources associated with the given FacesContext instance.
remove(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ApplicationScope
Remove the object with the given name from the underlying scope.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Remove an existing ActionListener (if any) from the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Remove an existing ActionListener (if any) from the set of listeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.

removePhaseListener(PhaseListener) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl

Deregister an existing PhaseListener instance that is no longer interested in being notified before and after the processing for standard phases of the request processing lifecycle.

removeSingleton(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Overridden to clear FactoryBean instance cache as well.
render(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl

Execute the Render Response phase of the request processing lifecycle, unless the responseComplete() method has been called on the FacesContext instance associated with the current request.

render(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Renders the appropriate view with the help of the resolved Lifecycle.
RENDERER_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The <renderer></renderer> element.
RENDERER_TYPE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
The standard renderer type for this component.
RENDERER_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'type' attribute of a Renderer definition.
RendererDefinition - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml
A RendererDefinition encapsulates and describes a Renderer instance.
RendererDefinition(String, String, Renderer, String) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.RendererDefinition
Creates a definition with the given Renderer renderer and other describing properties.
renderMergedOutputModel(Map, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Subclasses must implement this method to actually render the view.
renderResponse() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Signal the JavaServer faces implementation that, as soon as the current phase of the request processing lifecycle has been completed, control should be passed to the Render Response phase, bypassing any phases that have not been executed yet.

RenderResponsePhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Implements the default Render Response phase of the faces lifecycle.
RenderResponsePhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase
RenderResponsePhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
Render Response Phase implementation used by the special JSF-Spring Lifecycle identified by LifecycleImpl.JSF_SPRING_LIFECYCLE_ID.
RenderResponsePhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RenderResponsePhase
RenderResponsePhaseListener - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for the Render Response phase of the request processing lifecycle.
renderView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder

Perform whatever actions are required to render the response view to the response object associated with the current FacesContext.

renderView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder

Perform whatever actions are required to render the response view to the response object associated with the current FacesContext.

requiredViewClass() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesViewResolver
Return the required type of view for this resolver.
resolveBeanClass(Element, AbstractBeanDefinition, ParserContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
Determine the class of the wrapped bean of the given AbstractBeanDefinition bd, if the bean definition has a bean class.
resolveBeanClass(Element, AbstractBeanDefinition, ParserContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
Determine the class of the wrapped bean of the given AbstractBeanDefinition bd, if the bean definition has a bean class.
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesDtdResolver
resolveToBase(FacesContext, String) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ELUtils
Returns the name of the base of the given JSF reference expression string expressionString if any.
resolveToBase(FacesContext, ValueBinding) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ELUtils
Returns the name of the base of the given ValueBinding valueBinding if any.
resolveVariable(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ELVariableResolver
resolveVariable(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.DelegatingVariableResolver
Checks wether there is a bean with name name in the internal BeanFactory of the used WebApplicationContext and returns it.
responseComplete() - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Signal the JavaServer Faces implementation that the HTTP response for this request has already been generated (such as an HTTP redirect), and that the request processing lifecycle should be terminated as soon as the current phase is completed.

restoreComponentState(FacesContext, UIViewRoot, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager

Convenience method, which must be called by restoreView(), to restore the attributes, properties, and attached objects of all components in the restored component tree.

restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding

Perform any processing required to restore the state from the entries in the state Object.

restoreTreeStructure(FacesContext, String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager

Convenience method, which must be called by restoreView(), to construct and return a UIViewRoot instance (populated with children and facets) representing the tree structure of the component tree being restored.

restoreView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder

Perform whatever actions are required to restore the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.

restoreView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder

Perform whatever actions are required to restore the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.

restoreView(FacesContext, String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager

Restore the tree structure and the component state of the view for the specified viewId, in an implementation dependent manner, and return the restored UIViewRoot.

restoreView(FacesContext, ViewHandler, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
Perform whatever actions are required to restore the view associated with the specified FacesContext and viewId.
RestoreViewPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Implements the default Restore View phase of the faces lifecycle.
RestoreViewPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
RestoreViewPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
Restore View Phase implementation used by the special JSF-Spring Lifecycle identified by LifecycleImpl.JSF_SPRING_LIFECYCLE_ID.
RestoreViewPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.RestoreViewPhase
RestoreViewPhaseListener - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for the Restore View phase of the request processing lifecycle.
ROOT_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<faces-config></faces-config> element.
ROOT_FACES_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.FacesWebApplicationContext
Context attribute to bind faces root WebApplicationContext to on successful startup.


saveSerializedView(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager

Return the tree structure and component state information for the view contained in the specified FacesContext instance as an object of type StateManager.SerializedView.

saveState(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
saveState(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding

Gets the state of the instance as a Serializable Object.

SCOPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.FacesWebApplicationContext
Scope identifier for application scope: "application".
SCOPE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Scope identifier for application scope: "application".
SCOPE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<managed-bean-scope></managed-bean-scope> element.
SCOPE_NONE - Static variable in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.FacesWebApplicationContext
Scope identifier for none scope: "none".
SCOPE_NONE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ManagedBeanFactory
Scope identifier for none scope: "none".
service(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.ContextLoaderServlet
This should never even be called since no mapping to this servlet should ever be created in web.xml.
service(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesDispatcherServlet
ServletExternalContextFake - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.context
This class allows the Faces API to be unaware of the nature of its containing application environment.
ServletExternalContextFake(ServletContext) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.context.ServletExternalContextFake
Constructs an ExternalContext with the given ServletContext servletContext.
setAccept(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the accept attribute value.
setAcceptCharset(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the acceptCharset attribute value.
setAction(MethodBinding) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Set the MethodBinding pointing at the appication action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending on the value of the immediate property.

setAction(MethodBinding) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Set the MethodBinding pointing at the appication action to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending on the value of the immediate property.

setAction(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Sets the action attribute.
setActionEvent(ActionEvent) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ActionEventContextHolder
Associate the given ActionEvent with the current thread.
setActionEventContext(ActionEventContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ActionEventContextHolder
Associate the given ActionEventContext with the current thread.
setActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the default ActionListener to be registered for all ActionSource components.

setActionListener(MethodBinding) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Set the MethodBinding pointing at an action listener method to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending upon the value of the immmediate property.

setActionListener(MethodBinding) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Set the MethodBinding pointing at an action listener method to be invoked, if this UIComponent is activated by the user, during the Apply Request Values or Invoke Application phase of the request processing lifecycle, depending upon the value of the immmediate property.

setActionListener(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Sets the actionListener attribute.
setActionListenerProperty(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Sets the actionListener property on the associated UIComponent component.
setActionListeners(List) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController
Sets the list of new ActionListeners interested in being notified when ActionEvents occur.
setActionProperty(FaceletContext, ActionSource, TagAttribute) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets.HtmlSimpleOutcomeActionSourceComponentHandler
Sets the action property on the associated ActionSource actionSource.
setActionProperty(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Sets the action property on the associated UIComponent component.
setActionProperty(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the action property on the associated UIComponent component.
setActionSource(ActionSource) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController
Sets the ActionSource implementation this controller should use as delegate.
setApplication(Application) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationFactoryImpl

Replace the Application instance that will be returned for this web application.

setAsText(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.MethodBindingPropertyEditor
setAsText(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ValueBindingPropertyEditor
setAttributes(Map) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils.UIComponentExtension
JavaBeans compatible accessor for setting attributes.
setAttributes(FaceletContext, Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.facelets.HtmlSimpleOutcomeActionSourceComponentHandler
Invoking/extending this method will cause the results of the created MetaRuleset to auto-wire state to the passed instance.
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.DelegatingVariableResolver
Callback that supplies the owning factory to a bean instance.
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ValueBindingResolvingPropertyConfigurer
Callback that supplies the owning factory to a bean instance.
setBeanFactory(BeanFactory) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.VariableResolverProcessor
Callback that supplies the owning factory to a bean instance.
setBeanName(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ValueBindingResolvingPropertyConfigurer
Set the name of the bean in the bean factory that created this bean.
setBooleanProperty(UIComponent, String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractUIComponentTag
Adds a value binding for the property with name propName to the UIComponent component if and only if value is a reference expression otherwise an boolean attribute with key propName and value value.
setChildren(List) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils.UIComponentExtension
JavaBeans compatible accessor for setting a List of UIComponent children.
setDefaultLocale(Locale) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the default Locale for this application.

setDefaultRenderKitId(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the renderKitId to be used to render this application.

setDelegate(Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Set the delegate used by this class.
setDir(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Sets the language direction.
setEnctype(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the enctype attribute value.
setExecutionPhases(Phase[]) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl
Sets the phases to execute.
setFacesSpringConfigLocations(String[]) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.FacesWebApplicationContext
Sets the config locations.
setFacesSpringConfigLocations(String[]) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.support.DefaultFacesWebApplicationContext
Sets the config locations.
setFacets(Map) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils.UIComponentExtension
JavaBeans compatible accessor for setting a Map of UIComponents interpreted as facets.
setId(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
setImmediate(boolean) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm

Set the "immediate execution" flag for this UIComponent.

setImmediate(boolean) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController

Set the "immediate execution" flag for this UIComponent.

setImmediate(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Sets the immediate attribute.
setImmediateProperty(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag
Sets the boolean immediate property on the associated UIComponent component.
setLang(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Sets the language.
setLifecycleId(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesController
Sets the lifecycle id for identifying the proper lifecycle this controller will run in.
setLifecycleId(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesView
Sets the lifecycle-id for resolving the appropriate Lifecycle.
setMessageBundle(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the fully qualified class name of the ResourceBundle to be used for JavaServer Faces messages for this application.

setMethod(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
Sets the method of this form - supports 'POST' or 'GET'.
setMethod(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the method attribute value.
setMethodNameResolver(MethodNameResolver) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.MultiActionEventController
Set the method name resolver that this class should use.
setName(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the name attribute value.
setNavigationHandler(NavigationHandler) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the NavigationHandler instance that will be passed the outcome returned by any invoked application action for this web application.

setOnclick(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onclick attribute.
setOndblclick(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the ondblclick attribute.
setOnkeydown(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onkeydown attribute.
setOnkeypress(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onkeypress attribute.
setOnkeyup(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onkeyup attribute.
setOnmousedown(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onmousedown attribute.
setOnmousemove(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onmousemove attribute.
setOnmouseout(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onmouseout attribute.
setOnmouseover(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onmouseover attribute.
setOnmouseup(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag
Sets the onmouseup attribute.
setOnreset(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the onreset attribute value.
setOnsubmit(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the onsubmit attribute value.
setParentMessageSource(MessageSource) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader.FacesHierarchicalMessageSource
Set the parent that will be used to try to resolve messages that this object can't resolve.
setProperties(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlActionSourceComponentTag

Override properties and attributes of the specified component, if the corresponding properties of this tag handler instance were explicitly set. This method must be called ONLY if the specified UIComponent was in fact created during the execution of this tag handler instance, and this call will occur BEFORE the UIComponent is added to the view.

Tag subclasses that want to support additional set properties must ensure that the base class setProperties() method is still called. A typical implementation that supports extra properties foo and bar would look something like this:

 protected void setProperties(UIComponent component) {
   if (foo != null) {
     component.setAttribute("foo", foo);
   if (bar != null) {
     component.setAttribute("bar", bar);

The default implementation overrides the following properties:

setProperties(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag

Override properties and attributes of the specified component, if the corresponding properties of this tag handler instance were explicitly set.

setProperties(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlEventHandlerComponentTag

Override properties and attributes of the specified component, if the corresponding properties of this tag handler instance were explicitly set. This method must be called ONLY if the specified UIComponent was in fact created during the execution of this tag handler instance, and this call will occur BEFORE the UIComponent is added to the view.

Tag subclasses that want to support additional set properties must ensure that the base class setProperties() method is still called. A typical implementation that supports extra properties foo and bar would look something like this:

 protected void setProperties(UIComponent component) {
   if (foo != null) {
     component.setAttribute("foo", foo);
   if (bar != null) {
     component.setAttribute("bar", bar);

The default implementation overrides the following properties:

setProperties(UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag

Override properties and attributes of the specified component, if the corresponding properties of this tag handler instance were explicitly set. This method must be called ONLY if the specified UIComponent was in fact created during the execution of this tag handler instance, and this call will occur BEFORE the UIComponent is added to the view.

Tag subclasses that want to support additional set properties must ensure that the base class setProperties() method is still called. A typical implementation that supports extra properties foo and bar would look something like this:

 protected void setProperties(UIComponent component) {
   if (foo != null) {
     component.setAttribute("foo", foo);
   if (bar != null) {
     component.setAttribute("bar", bar);

The default implementation overrides the following properties:

setPropertyResolver(PropertyResolver) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the PropertyResolver instance that will be utilized to resolve method and value bindings.

setRenderResponsePhase(Phase) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl
Sets the render-response phase.
setResponseStream(ResponseStream) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Set the ResponseStream to which components should direct their binary output.

setResponseWriter(ResponseWriter) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Set the ResponseWriter to which components should direct their character-based output.

setStateManager(StateManager) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the StateManager instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle.

setStringProperty(UIComponent, String, String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractUIComponentTag
Adds a value binding for the property with name propName to the UIComponent component if and only if value is a reference expression otherwise an attribute with key propName and value value.
setStyle(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Sets the css style attribute.
setStyleClass(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Sets the css style class attribute.
setSupportedLocales(Collection) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the Locale instances representing the supported Locales for this application.

setTarget(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the target attribute value.
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.AbstractHtmlComponentTag
Sets the title.
setTransient(boolean) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.component.html.HtmlForm
setTransient(boolean) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ConstantMethodBinding

Denotes whether or not the Object implementing this interface must or must not participate in state saving or restoring.

setTransient(String) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.taglib.jsp.HtmlFormTag
Sets the transient attribute value.
setVariableResolver(VariableResolver) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the VariableResolver instance that will be utilized to resolve method and value bindings.

setViewHandler(ViewHandler) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl

Set the ViewHandler instance that will be utilized during the Restore View and Render Response phases of the request processing lifecycle.

setViewRoot(UIViewRoot) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.context.FacesContextImpl

Set the root component that is associated with this request.

SimpleActionController - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller
This Controller implements an ActionSource and fullfills completely the contract of an ActionSource.
SimpleActionController() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.controller.SimpleActionController
SimpleActionEventContext - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Simple implementation of the ActionEventContext interface, always returning a specified ActionEvent.
SimpleActionEventContext(ActionEvent) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.SimpleActionEventContext
Creates a simple context with the given actionEvent.
start(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfRIStartupDriver
Starts the JSF implementation.
start(ServletContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfStartupDriver
Starts the JSF implementation.
start(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.MyFacesStartupDriver
Starts the JSF implementation.
stop(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfRIStartupDriver
Stpos the JSF implementation.
stop(ServletContext) - Method in interface de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.JsfStartupDriver
Stpos the JSF implementation.
stop(ServletContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.test.MyFacesStartupDriver
Stpos the JSF implementation.
SUPPORTED_LOCALE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<supported-locale></supported-locale> element.
supports(Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.FacesControllerHandlerAdapter
Given a handler instance, return whether or not this HandlerAdapter can support it.
supports(Object) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.LifecycleExecutor
Given a handler instance, return whether or not this HandlerAdapter can support it.


TRANSIENT_PARAM - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesUtils
Parameter name for the transient flag.
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.JsfBeanDefinitionParserUtils
The 'type' attribute of a UIComponent definition.


UIComponentDefinition - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj
A UIComponentDefinition encapsulates and describes a UIComponent instance.
UIComponentDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.UIComponentDefinition
Creates a definition with the given descriptors.
unmarkTransientState(FacesContext) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ViewBuilder
Releases the marker to not save the state of the view into the response.
UpdateModelValuesPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle
Implements the default Update Model Values phase of the faces lifecycle.
UpdateModelValuesPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhase
UpdateModelValuesPhase - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
Update Model Values Phase implementation used by the special JSF-Spring Lifecycle identified by LifecycleImpl.JSF_SPRING_LIFECYCLE_ID.
UpdateModelValuesPhase() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle.UpdateModelValuesPhase
UpdateModelValuesPhaseListener - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.context.servlet.lifecycle
An interface implemented by objects that wish to be notified at the beginning and ending of processing for the Update Model Values phase of the request processing lifecycle.


VALIDATOR_FACTORY_BEAN_NAME - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ApplicationImpl
Name of the ValidatorFactory bean in the factory.
ValidatorDefinition - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj
A ValidatorDefinition encapsulates and describes a Validator instance.
ValidatorDefinition(String, String) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.aspectj.ValidatorDefinition
Creates a definition with the given descriptors.
ValidatorFactory - Interface in de.mindmatters.faces.application
Factory for managing Validators.
VALUE_CLASS_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<value-class></value-class> element.
VALUE_ELEMENT - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.xml.ManagedBeanDefinitionDocumentReader
<value></value> element.
ValueBindingPropertyEditor - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.el
Editor for ValueBinding, to directly populate a ValueBinding property.
ValueBindingPropertyEditor() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ValueBindingPropertyEditor
Standard constructor.
ValueBindingPropertyEditor(Application) - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.el.ValueBindingPropertyEditor
Creates a ValueBindingPropertyEditor with the given Application.
ValueBindingResolvingInstantiationStrategy - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
Default object instantiation strategy for use in ManagedBeanFactories which resolves value bindings for replace- and lookup-methods.
ValueBindingResolvingInstantiationStrategy() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ValueBindingResolvingInstantiationStrategy
ValueBindingResolvingPropertyConfigurer - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
A property configurer that resolves value bindings in bean property values of context definitions.
ValueBindingResolvingPropertyConfigurer() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.ValueBindingResolvingPropertyConfigurer
valueOf(PhaseId) - Static method in class de.mindmatters.faces.lifecycle.Phase.PhaseIdName
Converts the given phaseId into a human readable string.
VariableResolverProcessor - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory
InstantiationAwareBeanPostProcessor that instantiates all mananged beans with the original VariableResolver of the underlying JSF implementation.
VariableResolverProcessor() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.spring.factory.VariableResolverProcessor
ViewBuilder - Class in de.mindmatters.faces.application
ViewBuilder is the pluggablity mechanism for allowing implementations of or applications using the JavaServer Faces specification to provide their own handling of the activities in the Render Response and Restore View phases of the request processing lifecycle.
ViewBuilder() - Constructor for class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ViewBuilder
VIEWID_PARAM - Static variable in class de.mindmatters.faces.FacesUtils
Parameter name for the view id.


writeBooleanPassThruAttributes(ResponseWriter, UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.AbstractRendererBase
Render any boolean "passthru" attributes.
writePassThruAttributes(ResponseWriter, UIComponent) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.render.html.AbstractRendererBase
Render any "passthru" attributes, where we simply just output the raw name and value of the attribute.
writeState(FacesContext, StateManager.SerializedView) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.OptimizedStateManager

Save the state represented in the specified SerializedView isntance, in an implementation dependent manner.

writeState(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ViewBuilder

Take any appropriate action to either immediately write out the current state information (by calling StateManager.writeState(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, javax.faces.application.StateManager.SerializedView), or noting where state information should later be written.

writeStateInClient(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.AbstractDelegatingViewBuilder
Writes the state of a view into the response.
writeStateInClient(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.FaceletViewBuilder
Writes the state of a view into the response.
writeStateInClient(FacesContext) - Method in class de.mindmatters.faces.application.ViewBuilder
Writes the state of a view into the response.


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